Monday, September 24, 2018



 by Annaist @ 2006-09-17 – 12:49:03


The word Tiger is allergic to Indian masters of North India. It is in their subconscious and tiger-phobia translates into spitting venom at the freedom fighters of Tamil Eelam.I was deeply pondering how India sidelined the freedom struggle led by Nethaji and India’s reluctance to resurrect the historical role played by Nethaji, made me arrive at a conclusion that India prefers to have doctored history. Asoka, Harsha and Chandragupta are well known throughout India but how come Chola, Chera. Pandya Kings are kept under veil in history books? I pondered.

There is something wrong at mental plane with the descendents of invaders or the mixed race of the invaders, whose subconscious tells truth about their past and resultant inferiority complex makes them purposely work overtime to suppress the true history of Tamil greatness. I would appeal to those with such complexes to shed their hatred towards Tamils, Tamil Music, Tamil scriptures, and Tamil history since they too belong to our common hoary past.

Let me request them to view the World Map published by Reader’s Digest. In page 71 a mountain range between Sikkim and Tibet is mentioned as Chola Pass. Unless Chola armies have crossed that pass or Cholas had trade links with China, either way the Pass in Himalayan ranges would not have been named as Chola Pass. Tamil Nadu government and its historians must update the history books with more inputs about the Chola Pass.

Dr.S.Padmanabhan of Kanyakumari Historical and Cultural Research Center in a paper presented in the 57 th Session of Indian History Congress held on December 1996 in the University of Madras states that “a hill near the Kargil is known as Tiger Hill which reminds us the insignia of Karikala Chola. A waterfall in the District of Cholakumbha in Nepal is called Chola Khola. This needs further research” the scholar opines. It is nothing new. Deputy Election Commissioner of Election Commission of India Mr.Balakrishnan had done extensive research on names of places all over India with Tamil as prefix.

The highest peak in Himalayas is called Mount Everest, but quoting scholars, I have written in my blog clearly establishing that Mr.George Everest never set his foot on Mount Everest. An engineer from Ambur Mohammed Mohsin alone manufactured the survey instruments with precision and carried the task. I had even urged that Mount Everest be renamed as Mount Mohammed Mohsin.This is to make clear whatever Tamils do, be it Cholas or Mohsins, it is being suppressed in history.

Great epics like Iliad and Odyssey speak about Tyre, Byblos and Troy. Nobody brushed aside what epics said. Oceanic explorations brought to light the greatness of those cities. Yes literary evidences were corroborated by under water research. To establish that Mahabharata is not fiction National Institute of Oceanography, Chennai undertook underwater research in Gulf of Cambay near Gujarat and its findings said an old city of 7500 years existed there. It hit the front pages of India Today. We all know that Kannan is a Tamil king with only one wife Nappinnai, and since he was black was called “Krish” na, which meant a black man.”Vembai” a land ruled by Tamil Velir with “Vembu” [neem] as Tree of Protection got its corrupted version Bombay and Mumbai according to Deveneya Paavanar.

In another book a scholar wrote that "Kambanna Gounder of a village near Kanchipuram was the mastermind who planned Bangalore city [Vengalur became Bangalore] and in remembrance of our Kambanna Gounder there is Kempe Gowda circle in Bangalore".

 This may be a matter of rejoice to Dr.S.Ramdass led PMK.Kalikottam, a place where Temple for Kali existed became Calcutta and now Kolkatta.

Same period when Gulf of Cambay was explored researches took place near Poompuhar too and its findings appeared in Dinamani. Unfortunately the exhibition of the unearthed artifacts under the sea had to be exhibited in Bangalore and not in Chennai due to lack of patronage here by then Government. Poompuhar was established to be a city older by 9500 years in a scientific scrutiny. Yet India Today did not come out with a cover story. Sun TV did not highlight these achievements in spite of its mentor Dr.Kalaignar M.Karunanithi scripting Poompuhar film to propagate the greatness of Tamils apart from erecting a statue to Kannagi in Chennai and constructing a Museum at Poompuhar.

There is a need to engage in under water research on Kumari Kandam.

In act Dravida Peravai wrote to the then Chief Minister J.Jayalalitha who forwarded our request to Archaeological Department, which replied that the matter was under consideration. Nothing happened. Now in Tamil Aaraichi E-group with more than 4000 members I posted the following message, which got response. One such letter mentions how this dream of Father Thaninayagam did not materialize since Nehruvian days.


National Institute of Oceanography for 10 days searched near Poompuhar and found 2000 pieces of ancient artifacts and it hit headlines in Dinamani that Poompuhar is 9500 years old. It is a scientific discovery. Yet our Tamil poets who never read new inputs or who fail to upgrade their knowledge will be speaking about 2000 years old civilization of ours. I have criticized in many articles and speeches about this attitude.

We all know about three Tamil Sangams and our literature gives enough hints about lost continent and submerged civilization. Yet we do not undertake scientific research to prove our past. This has led to a situation wherein " avaal" have started writing books denying the Kumari Kandam's existence or it being the cradle of Tamils. One such book about which in my blog you can read my condemnation, made me think about demanding Under Water Archaeological Search in Indian Ocean close to Kanyakumari.Fabulous Geographies and Catastrophic Histories by Sumathi Ramasamy, assistant Professor in Michigan University says Kumari Kandam is not the homeland of Tamils. The author finds fault with Late M.G.Ramachandran for his efforts in financing and producing a film on Kumari Kandam in 1981 at the time of World Tamil Conference. We know Deveneya Paavanar was behind the idea and enrichment of that documentary. This film helped Tamil place seekers to fit a theory about Tamils homeland, the book ridicules Tamils and assaults their history.

To press for Government of India and Government of Tamil Nadu to engage in Underwater Research on Kumari Kandam and to press Tamil Nadu Government to allot more funds for doing research on Kumari Kandam, we urge all Tamils and Tamil associations across the world to post demands to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister.

Since 1 crore allotted for Poompuhar Research went waste with 10 lakhs spent daily on ship and other needs, very little went to research. It is amazing that with little funds so much had been found in Poompuhar mid seas.

I posted message in Tamil AAraichi Egroup to ponder over and to suggest any fresh idea in this connection.


I agree with Nandhivarman that we do little regarding history. Way back in 1964 I was just a school teacher when I alerted the scholars about marine archaelogy relating to Silappadikaram period. It was when Fr. X. A. Thaninayagam held a meeting to introduce the concept of IATR at Bambalapitiya Saraswathy Hall in Colombo.

I had earlier written to Mr. Rodney Jonklaas, an expert diver, and got him interested in a project to explore the shores of Poompuhar. On and off some artifact is recovered by fishermen and a scientific study of the areas is a must, I told then. Jonklaas is an expert in the field and a co worker along with Sir Arthur C. Clarke who had explored Trincomalee Swamy Rock area.

I was inspired by a letter written by Dr. Manawala Ramanujam in the "Tamil Culture" in the early fifties. He had then written to Prime Minister Pandit Nehru asking for Indian Naval research vessels for the purpose. There was no reply forthcoming. Later around 1968 I wrote to the then Chief Minister of Tamilnadu Mr. C.N. Annadurai as well as then Home Minister Mr. M. Karunanidhi and got no response from them.Fr. Thaninayagam came to stay in Colombo in 1972 after his tenure at Kuala Lampur University and I approached him with all the papers. He too tried to get the Indian government interested in this and everything failed. Every now and then I hear of some odd findings in the area and I cannot but recollect all these efforts that proved nothing. At that time, Mr.Jonklaas wanted no money for his efforts but only the transport cost of his diving equipment assessed by government authorities. Now, turning 62, I look back at the lack of interest of a people about their past. Will somebody take over from me? S. Devotta


In my article in Thelitamizh current issue I had urged upon Tamil Nadu Chief Minister to ask his policemen to find out and recover the short film on Kumarikandam produced during Maruthur Gopalamenon Ramachandrans' regime. I have requested him even to update this film by his script, if necessary.

N.Nandhivarman, General Secretary, Dravida Peravai

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