Tuesday, September 11, 2018


“A world without beggar’s outstretched palm, the miser’s heartless stony stare, the piteous wail of want, the pallid face of crime, the livid lips of lies, the cruel eyes of scorn, a race without disease of flesh or brain, A land where life lengthens, fear dies, joy deepens, love intensifies and man regains his dignity, is what Aringnar Anna dreamt of and Annaism stands for” says the party manifesto. AringnarAnna, the founder of Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam, parent party of Dravida Peravai, spoke about the ideals while delivering the convocation address in Annamalai University. Those words were chosen to describe Annaism, as a socialist ideology suitable to Indian soil.

[Date of Formation: 15.02.1996. Registration with Election Commission of India 25.10.1996.]

DRAVIDA PERAVAIthe offshoot of DRAVIDA MUNNETRAKAZHAGAM is born out of historical necessity to mould the policies in tune with the changing needsof times and to catch the imagination of the Tamil people in the dawn of the next millenium. Nowhere in human society people were compartmentalized into castes in the name of religion by the invaders and kept under captivity for centuries together. The archaeological excavations at Mohenjadaro and Harappa bySirJohn Marshall brought to the fore the rich civilization of Dravidians. Dr.Caldwell's Comparative Grammar of DravidianLanguages highlighted that Tamil is the Mother of Dravidian language school and a primary classical language of the world. At the same time the oppressed sections of society revolted against caste tyranny. In such a compelling historical moment AdvocateJOHN RATHINAM, a leader of dalits founded Dravida Kazhagam in 1892. With an interval of some years after that first abortive attempt, the SouthIndian Welfare and Rights Movement otherwise known as Justice Party emerged in the scene in 1916. As moderates in Justice Party were applying brakes for the onward march of the social revolution initiated by PERIYAR E.V.RAMASAMY, a new transformation was carried forward by DRAVIDA KAZHAGAM.

The realization that social revolution sans power will not deliver goods led to the birth of DRAVIDA MUNNETRA KAZHAGAM in September 17/1949. ARINGNAR ANNA led the party to citadels of power in 1967 but his demise orphaned the movement. Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam led by Aringnar Anna's successor Dr. KALAIGNAR M. KARUNANITHI bacame a victim of the evil designs of Indian National Congress, the power crazy fascist party, which engineered splits in opposition parties to enable it to remain in the saddle at the Central Government of India. A matinee idol became a convenient tool to reverse the march of the rationalist movement and the historical resurgence of the Dravidian Peoples. ANNA DRAVIDA MUNNETRA KAZHAGAMcame into existence in October 1972. Once again DRAVIDA MUNNETRA KAZHAGAM split and MARUMALARCHI DRAVIDA MUNNETRA KAZHGAM was formed due to personality clashes. Aghast at thedivision after division that buried all the achievement of century old Dravidian movement an outfit DRAVIDA ILAIGNAR PERVAIaimed at unifying the youth divided between the three Dravidian parties emerged on 25th January 1994 in front of the statue of Student leader Rajendran of Annamalai University who lost his life to the bullets of police during Anti-Hindi agitation of 1965. N. Nandhivarman who led this organization felt the need to fill the vacuum for a Greens party in Tamilnadu and registered DRAVIDA PERAVAI as a party with theELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA with effect from 26.10.96

Objectives of the party

Dravida Peravai is for complete nuclear disarmament and moral re-armament. 

It strives for pooling the knowledge of science and technology for eradicating poverty, disease, illiteracy from the face of Earth.
It aims towards a quest allover galaxies for betterment of humanity and all living creatures on Earth.

To end speculative currency and economics it moots evolving of single global currency for knitting the economies and currencies together. It promotes the idea of Common Asian Market to begin with and for Confederation of Asian Countries and Asian Economic Union to become stepping stones for  greater global cohesion.

The party is for enriching the Constitution of India in the light of its working since independence and making it true federal in nature. The party is for overhaul of our electoral system to ensure proportional representation and state funding of elections. 

The party is for making Tamil as one of the official languages of India in view of its heritage, richness, cultural evolution into language of scientific temper and its universal outlook. The party is for due respect to all regional languages in the territory of its usage.

The party is for correcting the mis- intrepretations that has crept into the concept of social justice propounded by the Dravidian movement, and redeeming the oppressed, depressed, backwards and minorities from the clutches of division and economic backwardness by constitutional means through a silent revolution. The party is for creation of National Environment Commission as an autonomous body sanctioned by Constitution of India, to check the growth of pollution in all states of India.

The party is for revamping the public  sector undertakings ensuring workers participation in management, and the shares of such public sector undertakings should be allocated to workers of such undertakings and to the people whose land is lost because of such projects coming up in their soil, and to all displaced persons in general. Prosperity should percolate down and people should become partners in progress, the party feels. The party is for total ban on food exports till poverty is eradicated internally and all people are fed or are in a position to feed them.

Dravida Peravai is for solidarity with the working class and for their struggle to relay the world economic order to ensure justice for all. The under currents beneath the words and the social revolutions it recalls form the source of inspiration to Dravida Peravai. Hence the motto: Equality, Liberty, Fraternity, Duty, Discipline, Decorum, Educate, Unify, Struggle and the doctrine to each according to his need from each according to his/her ability stands as guiding principles for the party. 

Dravida Peravai strives to establish casteless, creedless and party-less democracy pursuing the path of 
non-violence, upholding socialism, secularism and liberal democracy.

Dravida Peravai shall bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established and to the principles of socialism, secularism and democracy, to uphold the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.

Dravida Peravai is for ensuring gender justice equal- representation for women in all electoral avenues. The party is for enforcing total prohibition in the country. The party strives to end all kinds of gambling, 
flesh trade, abuses of children and women, bonded labor practices, dowry system, superstition, corruption and
In short, Dravida Peravai is for creating a congenial climate for healthy democracy to 
flourish within the parameters of Constitution of India and inculcating a new political culture that fosters simple living and 
global vision to be in harmony with Nature and unearthing new dimensions of higher consciousness.

Code of conduct
The rules and regulations of Dravida Peravai registered with Election Commission of India contains a code of conduct for party functionaries. 

a] A party functionary must be proficient in Thirukural and must be secular in outlook.

b]" Every country is my country, Everyone is my kinsmen" as Poet Kaniyan Poongundranaar says. In short galaxial thinking pushing the borders of human consciousness is the single most important duty of the party functionary.

 c] A party functionary must not fall at the feet of the leaders, must not indulge in flattery, must not add suffixes or prefixes to original names.

d] A party functionary must identify him with the common man and hence adopt simple living and should not even publicize educational qualifications, honorary doctorates, or titles before or after the name, as such high sounding titles degrees and suffixes distances the common man for whose sake party is founded

 e] A party functionary must disclose his assets and liabilities before public andtake an oath that any property in excess of the declared assets is established to be in his possession after his term inthe various forums of democracy expires such assets will be transferred to the party trust, which will be floatedsimultaneously on floating of this party. Such Trust known as Annaist Trust will work for unifying Tamil brethren andeducate rationalism and proletarian internationalism to the common man. 

f] Anyone who is an eve-teaser, womanizer or has more than one wife or anyone connected with the crime against
 woman shall not be admitted into the party. If anyone after becoming a member raises enough suspicion in the minds of the governing committee shall be dismissed from the party

 g] Anyone connected with Cofeposa, Fera etc or has criminal records or is known to be a goonda and rowdy in the locality he lives, will not be admitted into the party. Any party functionary availing the services of anti-social elements during public agitations or elections shall be suspended by the General Secretary pending an inquiry by a committee constituted by the governing body. Once that committee confirms the allegation, the suspension will automatically become dismissal.

 h] To enforce strict adherence to moral, ethical and rational standards a National 
Disciplinary Committee will be chosen by the General Council. Such a committee of three 
will decide on all matters of inner party discipline and external social behaviour of a party

 i] Any functionary who tries to dilute the rational and scientific temper built by the Dravidian Movement and its leaders like Periyar E.V.R, Aringnar Anna and anyone who espouses religious fundamentalism or embraces caste outfits or platforms will not be eligible to get party tickets for any elections be it for party posts or for Parliamentary/assembly/Municipality/ Panchayats or whatever posts party has to
 make a choice.

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அடுத்த 11 வது உலகத் தமிழ்மாநாட்டிலாவது சுவாமி விபுலானந்தரின் எழுத்துக்களையும் பேச்சையும் ஆய்வு செய்ய....

தமிழ் ஆய்வுலகமும் தமிழ்ப் பல்கலைக்கழங்களும் அடுத்த 11 வது  உலகத் தமிழ்மாநாட்டிலாவது சுவாமி விபுலானந்தரின் எழுத்துக்களையும் பேச்சையும் ஆ...